Head Neck & Breast Malignancy
- Biopsy of superficial swellings
- Diagnostic direct Laryngoscopy
- Diagnostic and Therapeutic Oesophagoscopy
- Diagnostic bronchoscopy
- Energetic Tracheotomy
- Therapeutic Tracheotomy
- Lymph node excision of neck
- Microbiology surgery of the larynx including laser
- Submandibular gland excision
- Excision of other major swelling / cysts in the neck
- Partial thyroidectomy
- Total or near total Thyroidectomy with or without block dissection
- Radical neck dissection
- Total or partial Maxillectomy
- Total Laryngectomy with or without neck dissection
- Total Parotidectomy for Cancer Parotid
- Tracheal Reconstruction
Commando Operations
- Buccal Mucosa
- Tongue
- Alveolus
- Floor mouth
- Of all Head and Neck Malignancy
Breast Surgery
- Lumpectomy
- Breast Reconstructive Surgery
- BCS - Breast Conservative Surgery
- Axillary Node Dissection
- MRM- Modified Radical Mastectomy
- Sentinel Node Biopsy